Biography Of D. Keith Winsten
About the Speaker: D. Keith Winsten has served as the Executive Director of the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Florida since 2004. Mr. Winsten has over 20 years experience in non-profit administration, communications and environmental education. He has worked at nature centers in New York and Massachusetts and at zoos in Rhode Island and Chicago. His work in conservation education and exhibit development has won numerous national awards and he has helped develop professional training programs in the United States, Brazil and China. Mr. Winsten has a B.S. in Biology from Yale University and a M.S. in Public Health from the University of Illinois, Chicago. Mr. Winsten is professionally active in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums where he chaired the Conservation Education Committee and currently serves as a Board Member. He is also Chairman of the Brevard Nature Alliance and a board member of Florida Blood Centers, Inc., The International Iguana Foundation and The National Elephant Center. |
Last Updated Saturday, June 27, 2015 08:11 AM |